Le Grand Saut | The Jump
Hobbies - Cliff Diving is a commissioned documentary for Hobbies Magazine and Canal+.
Cannes 2019 Official Selection
This is the story of Alain, a 22 years old young diver, already a legend in his district.
Among all the kids that jump from the Kennedy Cliff in the city of Marseille, he’s the only one to jump head and fists first « to break water ».
Alain has grown up in a difficult environment, diving is a way to calm his negative pulsions.
But he is now becoming an adult and knows he won’t be able to brave death for ever.
A 22 ans, Alain est déjà une légende marseillaise. De tous les « minots » qui sautent de la Corniche, il est le seul à plonger tête et poing en avant « pour casser l’eau ». Si le saut lui permet de canaliser ses pulsions, il sait qu’il ne pourra pas braver éternellement le vertige des hauteurs.
Watch it here :